

Privacy policy

The developer created the application "Fusen" as a free application. This service is provided free (as a developer name), and it is intended to be used as it is. This page is used to inform visitors about my policy on the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information when someone decides to use my service.

It is a free application.

You are not using in-app payment.

Collection and use of information

We do not require you to provide specific personally identifiable information. The information I request is stored on your device and will not be collected by me in any way.

1 件のコメント:

  1. 開発者より、苦労話。プライバシーポリシーのエラーが出て、その修正に苦労しました。


オシマル動画  第2期「Kids Creator’s Studio」

オシマルのプロモーション動画を作りました。 主にAdobe Illustrator,Photoshop,PremierePro,PremiereRush を習得して使いました。 https://techkidsschool.jp/event/kcstudio/presenta...